2012 In The Beginning
Think Pink Foundation Rubber Duckies December 28 2012, 0 Comments

Anyway, Rubber Duckie is a Gold Coast company only selling everything Rubber Duck. This company considers social responsibility to be very important. Rubber Duckie offers the most adorable THINK PINK DUCKIES, they light up and flicker when activated by water.The idea is that the flashing pink duck is to remind women to check their breasts. This is such a great gift to give to any family, friend or loved one most importantly 100% profits go directly to Think Pink Foundation. This Foundation provides needed access throughout the journey of breast cancer offering specialized care. Care and comfort is available at the Living Center. The living Center offers ranges of programs. One program is offering emergency accommodation eligible to regional families requiring treatment away from home and experiencing financial hardship. Support is available Monday to Friday with other specialized programs that include Meditation Art Therapy, Chi Ball Supporting Blokes tailored for men dealing with their partners diagnosis. Free massage therapist and beauticians, make up sessions. Enormous selection of wigs from the library collection, for women who experience hair loss as a result of their treatment. The Living Center is a purposely designed facility that offers emotional and physical support to men and women diagnosed with breast cancer and their families. Women are supported and assisted in a nurturing environment by a full time expert qualified Breast Care Nurse.
Think Pink Foundation
e-mail : thelivingcentre@thinkpink.org.au
Think Pink Duckies are available only at www.rubberduckie.net.au
Lovely Rubber Duckies December 28 2012, 0 Comments
by Kelly Keegan

The Birth Of Rubber Duckie December 28 2012, 0 Comments
by Kelly Keegan
A very very very true story of how Rubber Duckie actually came to be . . .
The short tale about how Rubber Duckie spent one week in hospital recovering from some type of bird-Avian virus. Rubber Duckies friends were not in their usual place upon his arrival back home, "the bathroom".
The whole welcoming home party, his family of Rubber Duckies normally scattered, nesting and quacking in the bathroom were all GONE!
Rubber Duckie was on the hunt to locate more bathroom buddies. His journey sent him abroad, in doing so, Rubber Duckie invited only the very best luxury ducks to come down under, to live in "Australia" So There It Was, The Birth of www.rubberduckie.net.au
Extend Your Wings & Bring Them Into Your Nest TOO.
Quack ! Quack !